Cleansing Ceremony:
Apologies to Baba Credo Muthwa

On the 31st of January 2022, we witnessed
a historic event when the leaders of 1976
student uprising performed a cleansing
ceremony to ask for forgiveness to the
late Baba Credo Muthwa, for burning his
house in Diepkloof and for destroying the
Credo Muthwa village in Jabavu.
Baba Muthwa was accused by the Soweto
students for supporting the Apartheid regime
after being misquoted in a radio interview.
The Students went on rampage and
attacked Baba Credo Muthwa at his home in
Diepkloof Zone 2, he managed to escape.
They attacked members of his family and
burnt his home.
The cleansing ceremony was performed over a period of two days. A goat was slaughtered at his home in Diepkloof on the 31st January to ask for forgiveness and then it proceeded to the Credo Muthwa village on the next day where rituals were performed to ensure a peaceful closure was reached between the Muthwa family and the leaders of the June 16 Foundation.

The June 16 foundation was represented by Thabo Ndabeni and Oupa Ngwenya who spoke on the 2nd day at the Muthwa village to an audience of people who came to witness the Cleansing

Vusamazulu Credo Muthwa was a Sanusi, an Author,
Sculptor, He was born 21 July 1921 and passed on 25
March 2020. Baba Vusamazulu was a powerful
traditional healer, a visionary, a storyteller. He was an
author of books that draw upon African mythology,
traditional Zulu folklore, extraterrestrial encounters and
his own personal encounters. His last work was a
graphic novel
called the Tree of Life Trilogy based on his writings of
his most famous book, Indaba my Children.
Click here to read about his life.

Credo Muthwa
Cleansing Ceremony at Credo Muthwa village in Jabavu
Credo Muthwa
Members of the June 16 Foundation and Muthwa’s family members in Diepkloof Zone 2

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